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Influenza is a common and highly contagious viral infection. If you protect yourself with a vaccine you help to reduce the spread of the disease which can lead to complications from illnesses such as bronchitis or pneumonia. The NHS offer flu vaccines only to those who fill their eligibility criteria.


The vaccine is available privately and administered by an experienced nurse practitioner in a clinical environment. You can choose a date and time to fit in with your own schedule and will be given enough time to ask any questions you may have.


You will not catch the flu from the vaccine as it does not contain a live viral strain. The vaccine will stimulate your immune system into producing antibodies that will fight the virus if you are infected. This production of antibodies may cause a mild temperature increase or slight muscle ache but this will pass in a couple of days. This vaccine will take around 10 days to become effective and will last for twelve months.


For more information please click here.


To make an appointment today:

Call 0121 308 8876 or email 



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